and his sons at State House.
Ababu Namwamba and his sons at State House.

On Thursday, Ababu Namwamba joined his peers at State house for the swearing-in ceremony of the new CS's appointed by President William Ruto.

The 24 individuals took their pledge of allegiance at a ceremony presided by the Head of State.

Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi was the first Cabinet appointee to take the oath of office, followed by Attorney-General appointee Justin Muturi.

Namwamba had his turn too, pledging to perform his task as the CS youth, sports and art. He was accompanied by his two adorable sons who were dressed formally for the occasion.

The boys wore black tuxedos with black shoes. Their dad also wore a black suit, red striped tie, light blue shirt and formal shoes.

The former Budalangi MP held the two boys' hands as they walked, and appeared to be in deep discussion with the elder one, as he cradled his head.

Ababu rubbed the head of the youngest who has dreads saying "this guys dreads look cool". In a proud dad/son moment, Namwamba wished Kenyans  "A blessed morning".

Everyone online who saw the photo commented on how handsome they all looked with some also urging him to once and for all deal with issues plaguing the ministry of sports.

Some of the comments are below;

Mutua, CBS@florence_mutua·Best foot forward Bwana CS. Congratulations for bringing it home.

@EliasZakayo300·Congratulations and we expect a lot from you in the ministry of sports, youth and art.. Don't let us down bwana waziri.. Just make sure football is back where it used to be and we must have atleast 2 new modern stadia in the country.. One in Nairobi and one around the north rift

gera@OliviaMwongera·Beautiful family Hon Ababu. I've always admired your strong personality. I have faith you will bring the much needed change and transformation in your docket. all the best!

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