'When I die...' Miss Karun pens emotional tweet

The artist last year had opened up about her battle with mental health issues

Kenyan artist Karun pens emotional letter on Twitter
Image: Instagram

Kenyan contemporary RnB artist Karungari Mungai popularly known as Karun/Miss Karun had fans and netizens worried after she post a letter titled "if I die"

The former member of the famous Kenyan group Camp Mullah taking to her Twitter account talked about how she'd want her legacy to continue and a special wish for her young son if she happened to leave earth unexpectedly.

"If I die unexpectedly release anything/everything on my hard drives all the unreleased music and even the unfinished ones," started off the mother of one.


Karun went on to highlight that she did not want her music to die with her thus the need to have her songs out even if she was not around to finish working on the songs.

The "Glow up" hit maker went on to add that even though her music is to be released rights and revenue should go to benefit her son and her son only.

Emphasizing that she wants her son to live good even when she's not around.


"I don't want my music to die with me. Ps: the only person I need profiting off my stuff when I die is my son," the last of Karun's post read.

Karun is an incredibly talent artist who can switch in between different music genres.

Just recently she got accolades from Nigerian superstar Rema.

The Nigerian while visiting Kenya praised Karun for her voice and music style.

Speaking to journalists at a Nairobi press conference, the singer said;

"I feel like her, she is super talented and I feel like the whole world needs to hear her voice. The whole world needs to hear her story. Her vibe is different I've never heard such type of music before. I feel every frequency, and I told my producer to reach out. I actually wanna work with her. She is special," the Calm down hitmaker said. 

An year ago, Karun opened up on her journey with mental health revealing she was diagnosed with anxiety and was at some point depressed and put on medication.

"Boston is very cold. When I moved it was in the middle of Winter and it took me a couple of months to get used to it.

That is when I started realizing my mental health. There is a seasonal depression that happens very often in the winter and that is what happened to me.

That is the first time I was on medication for depression." Karun shared during an interview with Biko Zulu.

She went on to add,

"I got diagnosed with anxiety. It can show up as overthinking or overanalyzing situations but that has not happened to me yet. It can come through panic attacks.

I had a panic attack at University. People assume mental health is for the White people.

People do not realize the being young, open, famous and fresh can take a toll on you.

It's different to watch fame from the outside than to actually know what it feels like to be famous.

It was a lot, I am still trying to unpack some of the things that affected me years later trusting people and being open can be hard but being in a group helped."

Fans have encouraged her to soldier on following the post with some asking her to delete the tweet naming a few American rappers who ended up losing their lives after tweeting similar things.

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