I'm sorry we couldn't work- Noti Flow emotionally tells King Alami

Maybe we loved each other too much & too much of something is poisonous - Noti

Noti Flow and King Alami in the past
Image: Instagram

Noti Flow has penned a lengthy super emotional online letter to her ex-girlfriend King Alami apologizing for their failed relationship as well as promising to finally let her go. 

The artist shared a compilation video highlighting some of their beautiful moments as a couple from date nights to photo shoot sessions and car rides together.

Captioning it she poured out her heart detailing her immense love for Alami and how she'd arrived at the decision of letting her go.


"To the girl that brought me both tremendous joy & misery... the one who exposed my weaknesses but gave me strength, one who showed me what true love is.

Who taught me perseverance & growth, I’m forever thankful you came into my life. No regrets whatsoever," the first part of her long hearty paragraph read. 

She went on to add that she still doesn't understand why they didn't work out despite their deep feelings for each other;


"I’m so sorry we couldn’t work. Maybe we loved each other too much & too much of something is poisonous.

It took me many days.. weeks... months to finally accept the fact that we can’t & we’ll never work despite the fact that we have a lot of love for each other.

I'll never understand why but everything happens for a reason I guess,"

Finishing up the 'Foto Moto' hit maker revealed that she'd realized holding on to who they used to be/what they had was hurting so many people and that is one of the main reasons she was letting go.

"It took me a lot to come to the understanding that if I don’t finally let you go from my heart I’ll keep hurting myself, hurting you & hurting a number of innocent rebounds with good intentions & high hopes.

Today I genuinely release you... My heart is no longer heavy for you.

I genuinely wish you all the love, happiness & goodness this life has to offer. Again, I’m so sorry we couldn’t work in this lifetime (tho I wouldn't mind trying again in another lifetime on a clean slate)

But its a goodbye in this lifetime my lover, my friend. It's not meant to be. Sad but irriz wa irriz.

Thank you for everything. You brought so much 🌈 into my world & for that I’ll forever be grateful . Love you forever 🫶🏽 All the best & stay happy," the last of her emotional post read.

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