Why I drew Mike Sonkos' face tattoo on my thigh- Njoki opens up
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Maryann Njoki, a lady who drew a tattoo of Mike Sonko's face on her thigh has opened up on why she did it. 

In an interview with YouTuber Nicholas Kioko, Njoki revealed that she got the tattoo out of the love she has for the former Governor. 

The 'Udaku' reporter started by asking why she drew the tattoo and why only Sonko not any other person.

She responded by saying, "Nampenda, vile anasaidia watu, na akuna mtu naona anamrudishia shukrani, nikaona nimchore kama shukrani."

"Alisaidia my aunt time Sinai kulichomeka , na nampenda sana, sana so nikaona acha nimchore," She continued.

She also revealed that she is a fan of Sonko and she feels good when she sees his picture on her thigh.

The YouTuber asked if she is okay in terms of mental health and Njoki said that she is very very okay.

She also said that she was not drunk or under any influence on the day she decided to draw the tattoo.

This is after the YouTuber pointed out several reactions from netizens after she revealed the tattoo to the public.

"Watu wanasema kuwa ulikua umelewa na kua ulilazimishwa? 

Kioko also asked about another concern from the netizens' saying that she drew the tattoo wanting help from Mike Sonko. 

"Apana, mimi nilichora tu juu nalilitaka, na pia sikujua iyo picha ikipostiwa," She continues, " Mimi uyo mtu wa tattoo aliniuliza kama nikona instagram, nikamwambia sijui iyo ni nini, badaae akanipigia akaniambia amepost picha na Sonko akaaitisha number yangu, sasa nilikua naangoja nipigiwe lakini ni wewe umenipigia."

Maryaan also said that she used Sh5000 for the tattoo to be drawn.

Nicholas asked, "Na umekutana na Sonko?"

She answered, "Sijakutana na yeye, natamani nikutane na yeye ata nimsalimie tu."

" Na ukitana na yeye utamwambia aje?" Kioko continued.

Nitamwambia nampenda, napenda kazi yake juu sijai ona mtu anafanya kazi mruzi kama iyo na pesa yake, naeza mwambia aendelee tu ivo," The mother of two answered.

She concluded by saying she would like to meet Sonko and for those who are talking bad about her she doesn't care, let them talk.

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