Shift your mindset from superficial things- Michelle Ntalami advises

Ntalami advised her followers to stop obsessing over titles, wealth and a career as these barely had any purpose

Marini Naturals CEO Michelle Ntalami
Image: Instagram

Award-winning entrepreneur Michelle Ntalami has a few words of advice for her doting fans and Instagram followers.

Just 8 months after encouraging people to forget love and only focus on money, in her own words "the day you realize that money is your soulmate and not someoneā€™s child is the day your problems will disappear" Ntalami is now changing her tune.

The 39-year-old Marini Naturals CEO now wants people to let go of the superficial things read, money, cars, titles and so on and focus of finding and fulfilling their "God-given gift and purpose here on Earth"


Ntalami advised that with harnessing that then everything else in your life would flow effortlessly.


"You will change your lifeā€™s true meaning when you realize that you ought to shift your mindset from making loads of money, building a brand, working a high-flier job, having a career, earning a bigger title, scoring that deal, winning that award, gaining that recognitionā€¦to truly fulfilling your God-given gift and purpose here on Earth šŸŒ" part of her lengthy motivational post read.

She went on to add that there was a in-explainable joy that comes with fulfilling what one has been divinely called to, adding that our stay here on earth was sorely about learning and being better versions of ourselves as opposed to competition or a contest seeing who has/can do better.


"When you realize this, everything listed and more will flow effortlessly through your life.


Most importantly, the joy that comes from within by doing what you love, and have been divinely called and anointed for. šŸ’«


Earth is a school, not a contest. Our main purpose is to learn how to leave Her better than we found Her," Ntalami quipped.

Finishing up she encouraged her followers to find their purpose in life reminding them in the most corny and cliche way possible that the answers are always inside them.


"Find your lifeā€™s purpose and live a true life of abundance. Not just materially or from worldly recognitions, but soulfully too. Struggling how to do that? Look to your heart. The answers are within. ā™„ļø" the last of her post read.


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