Chito & Kwambox weigh in as Kenyans roast Mammito over her video on Jowie’s conviction

Kiss FM breakfast duo Chito and Kwambox have weighed in as a section of Kenyans roast comedian Mammito over her viral video on Jowie Irungu’s conviction.

The two discussed Mammito’s video giving their opinions of whether the comedian was in the wrong or not.

During the discussion, Kwambox mentioned that Mammito’s video had dark humour and probably was released when people’s emotions were all over.


“That is dark humour and maybe people’s opinions were still high but people did not take it well,” Kwambox said.

On the other hand, Chito stated that he watched the video and he could easily understand that it was comedy.

“When I saw her trending at first I thought that people were roasting her because of the hair…but I was wrong,” Chito added.


Kwambox further narrated that people have gone personal on Mammito instead of sticking to the topic of concern.

“I don’t think Jowie is special compared to all the other convicted murderers, because I have heard so many jokes about Onyancha, and for strange reasons, nobody was on Onyancha's side…” she said in part.

Chito added; “Comedy has a license to do things that we cannot imagine,”.

Mammito Fires Back at Critics

On Thursday, Mammito fired back at her critics after being roasted over the viral video she did about Jowie's death sentence.

“I have witnessed a very rare occurrence something that has not happened since 2002 people from every background uniting together for a reason, to cook me. It gives me hope for the future that one day we shall unite and fight against corruption and other things ailing our country,”.

Adding that; “Am in hot fire now, my soul weeps . I am but a small thin woman with no buttocks and am not as attractive, how dare I joke about a beautiful accused person but your unity how it fills my soul," she said. 

On Wednesday, Mammito’s joke on Jowie’s sentencing elicited mixed reactions among social media users.

A section of Netizens argued that her comedy skit was in bad test while others supported her 100%.