Former boda boda operator turned TikTok sensation King Tizian has shared a cheat code which he strongly believes led to his somewhat overnight success.

In a video shared on his socials Tizian recounted how he went from a basic boda guy in Nakuru to a financially stable 23-year-old in a span of less than 6 months.

"Let me give you guys this advice that I used before I started trending, and I will admit that these days I have not been doing that like I used to but it really helped me," started off the fast rising TikTok sensation.

Revealing his "secret" Tizian went on to narrate how he used to wake up at 3 am to pray noting that the morning devotion is what completely changed his life for the better.

"I used to wake up at 3 am and pray, back when I used to be a boda boda guy. I used to pray a lot. Like from 3 am and sometimes 2 am. Like guys those 3 am prayers are a direct ticket.

Hizo huwa zinafika heaven (those really do get delivered to heaven)," animatedly stated the former boda boda (motorbike) operator.

King Tizian went on to reveal that his big breakthrough came after a week of him getting up at 3 am to pray, encouraging others to learn to do the same as so much blessings lay in the morning devotion .

"One week after waking up at 3am to pray continuously, boom Tizian all over! Me praying and then I was trending.

Especially when you find yourself waking up at 2 or 3 am. Actually anytime past midnight, even 1 am. If you find yourself up just pray.

Be praying, pray pray, pray that is all I can tell you. That is the be`st time to pray," advised the young man.

Tizian maintained he was not aa pastor and his sentiments were in no way meant to make him seem like he is holier than others or more spiritual. Just a human sharing a cheat code of what worked for him.

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