
American rapper Fabolous who was in the country for a show this week, has been receiving criticism over his comment on poor WIFI in Kenya.

He shared photos on social media but a fan called Dj Angoze asked 'Whose android took these?' The singer responded 'Could be my wifi, I'm in Africa right now lol."

Fans took offense for insinuating that the reason his photos were of low quality was because of his wifi while in Africa.


He has now explained himself, saying poor wifi can happen to anyone, anywhere, and that his comment was a joke. 

"Y'all literally trolled a joke about me not being where I was in the pic and stating where I was currently. I'm sure the Android comment was a joke and so was the response,' he said.

"How y'all spin that into me being disrespectful is beyond me. I guess that what I get for trying to show love & respond to comments. I've been shown nothing but love & shown nothing but love back during my stay in Africa so this seems like nothing but a internet trolling & some people taking a offense based on someone motivating them to."


He continued "Bad Wi-Fi or bad phone service can be anywhere. Not just subject to Africa. So how is saying I have bad service disrespect especially in response to a joke said to me..? Always Love."