Michelle Ntalami

Michelle Ntalami is celebrating her baptism and birthday today. The businesswoman has turned 40 years. 

On her Instagram page, she said Sunday 23rd June 2024, officially marks the best and most important day of her life.

"On this day, I get Baptized to publicly declare to the world that I give my life to Christ. On this day, I make a lifetime commitment to God that I belong to Him only."


Her mother is also getting baptized on the same day "I had the wonderful opportunity to lead Mom to Christ during my season away. God put it in my heart months ago to walk with her, and He guided us every step to this day!"

"So on this day, the one who birthed me on this very day, also gets baptized! The cherry on top, on this very day I turn 40."

She described this as a  divine coincidence in their lifetime "I am so thankful. I asked the Lord to make this birthday different, and He did beyond my wildest expectations!🥹Every experience in my life led me to this very day and I am grateful for it all. When the enemy tried to lie to me that life was not worth living anymore, little did I know The Lord had planned my baptism on my very birthday and a whole new meaning to my life after that"


Adding "This year I do it different and all for God. The waterfall all around me represents baptism, cleansing and newness of life. 🌊 Nature with me in it, represents God’s beautiful creation.🌳 The simplicity yet royalty of it all imitates Christ, our humble servant yet King.👑 And here I am, dressed different from my usual birthday fits; because officially, The Bride of Christ!👰🏽‍♀️✨."

She added that she is saying goodbye to; eternal death, worldly ways, brokenness, bondage, spiritual blindness and hell!

"And I gladly say hello to; Freedom, peace, joy, true purpose on Earth, a lifetime of God’s grace and favor and eternal life in Heaven."

Born again on the day I was born. What a blessing! THANK YOU JESUS.

“Jesus replied, “I assure you, no one can enter the Kingdom of God without being born of water and the Spirit.” 🌊 ~ John‬ ‭3‬:‭5‬ ‭