Sandra Mbuvi reveals plans to own a private Jet

Mike Sonko's last born said she has always wanted her own private jet and had plans to own one before hitting 30

Sandra reveals plans to own a private jet
Sandra Mbuvi Sandra reveals plans to own a private jet
Image: Instagram

We all know Mike Sonko's last born Sandra Mbuvi is a little braggart. She enjoys her family's wealth and isn't afraid to celebrate her parent's accomplishments.

During an interview with Prince Newton, the digital content creator asked Sandra what her biggest aspiration was considering that it seems she has everything in life.

"What is that one thing you have always wanted to have in your life and you don't have it yet and you'd do anything for it..." Newton asked.

"A private jet... I like to want to own my own private jet by the time I'm hitting 30. 

I feel like it is about time," Sandra revealed.

The Youtuber finished off the aspirations topic by highlighting that the plus size model had less than a decade to achieve her dreams as she is in her early 20s.

Talking about her lifestyle Sandra told Prince she felt that people assume she lives off her dad's money even though she makes her own.

"My dad is the one who taught me to hustle, I make my own money. I don't have to be like oh dad send me money oh I need pocket money No"

Sandra works for her own money through modelling. Her first contract ever was working with the Range Rover brand, which paid her handsomely for the contract.

"In total, we have four range rovers. They paid me well and that's when brands started approaching me"

Does her dad's political life affect her and her family? Sandra admitted it does, explaining that there are certain moves they don't make without consulting him

"Actually yeah imagine I could be like modelling for like a brand and stuff like that and a grown woman would come to my DM and be like oh unaringa and your dad has done this and that.

 And that's the thing I don't like about politics "

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