Elizabeth Wanjiru.
Image: Courtesy

The family of the late Pastor Elizabeth Wanjiru is appealing for justice for their daughter who died mysteriously at a pastor's house.

A post-mortem exercise conducted at Kenyatta memorial funeral home revealed that Wanjiru died as a result of pressure to the neck.

Pastor Elizabeth died on Saturday at the home of pastor and Kikuyu musician Dishon Mirugi in Kahawa West.


The family now claims that their kin, Pastor Elizabeth had complained of receiving threats from the man of God whom she had loaned Ksh.700,000 to start his church with a promise to pay back.

The late Wanjiru went missing on Friday after she informed her sister that she was going to Mirugi's house to ask for her cash.

On Sunday, they received a report from police that she had been found dead.


The family has raised doubts over claims that their kin committed suicide and say she had confided in them that she was being threatened by Mirugi.

Esther Mugure, the deceased sister said she had told her about receiving threats from the pastor.

"Ikiwa mwezi wa December aliweza kuniita kutoka Isinya nikuje Nairobi akanifahamisha kwamba alikuwa anapokea threats kutoka kwa Dishon Mirugi ambaye ni mwimbaji na ni pastor pia mwenzake...message zilikuwa zinasema ukiendelea kunidai pesa yako nitakumaliza na mimi ni untouchable."

Dishon Murigi.
Image: Facebook

The deceased’s mother Mwihaki said:

"Mtoto aliniambia mum pesa yangu imepotea... nikamwambia aende police station ya huko aripoti."

The sister further said that on Friday her late told her sister that she had made up her mind to go collect her cash at Mirugi's house in Kahawa West.

"Alinipigia simu masaa ya saa saba akaniambia dadangu ile siku nimeishi kukuambia imefika kwa sababu sasa nimeamua kuenda kwa Dishon kuitisha ile pesa yangu. Saturday tulishinda tukimpigia simu hakushika wala hakurudisha messages...Sunday tukamjaribu asubuhi tukamkosa, nilijaribu kupiga hiyo simu tena ikashikwa na DCI akaniambia dada yenu hayuko tena," said Esther.

Dishon Mirugi was on Wednesday arraigned at Makadara Law Courts with police seeking to hold him for 14 days.

Mirugi, through his lawyer Ndegwa Njiru, has asked the court to release him on bail or bond terms. The court will rule on the application tomorrow.