Flaqo with Keranta
Image: Instagram

Comedian Flaqo Raz discussed how he has utilised criticism to build his reputation during a podcast discussion with Iko Nini.

"As a content creator you should learn to balance love and  life , mtu anapata dem anaeza jisahau but you should separate it from work."

When Andrew Kibe once made fun of the young man for dating content creator Keranta, he didn't overreact like most people would have.


"Nakumbuka iyo time Kibe alituingilia but I saw his point and yes at the back of my mind I had gotten it covered even when he spoke about it."

They have been dating for more than three years, and he claims he never made their relationship public because he knew he would have to consider his options.

"I had to weigh the outcome of making it public because we all know people's perspective to you as a content creator change and now they equate your content to your relationship."


The young man claims he considered all factors and decided it was okay to go public because Keranta and his comic characters have no connection and don't know anything about one another.

Even in his comedy, he encounters hostility and criticism, and he claimed that as he matured and came to terms with himself, he learned better ways to handle it.

"Nikianza sikua nacheck comments section but then ikafika point nikarealize ata ndio mtu aseme kitu anasema ako na reason so nikaanza kuzifungua na kuziangalia."

The comic claims that there is generally some small amount of truth included in all of those harsh remarks, so he approaches them with an open mind.

"Nikipata hate I usually dissect those comments and I consume those hate comments and don't just go through them with a sensitive side."

He understands that there are remarks you might read that are pointless, but if you want to develop, you must also be open to accepting both the criticism and the love.