A Japanese man made headlines when he spoke of his desire to transform into a dog. 

The man, known as Toco used a whooping Ksh 2 million for the costume that would transform him into a dog.

Well, he has stepped out for the first time into the public. In his Youtube channel 'I Want To Be An Anima' Toco was seen taking his first public walk as he interacted with other dogs.


Speaking to DailyMail last year, he said his transformation was a childhood dream.

'I've thought about it since I can remember. I don't want my hobbies to be known, especially by the people I work with.'

'They think it's weird that I want to be a dog. For the same reason why I can't show my real face.'


He added that his close friends and family were surprised when they first learnt that he wanted to be a dog.

He also added that he enjoys doing things that can only be done by dogs.