Eric Omondi
Image: Instagram

Comedian Eric Omondi has confirmed the death of the one-month-old boy, Payden Mudoga, who had a cancerous tumour in his jaw.

While announcing the death of Payden on Monday morning, Eric who had volunteered to help in the medical journey of the young boy mourned him as a strong child to make it clear that the deceased fought well for his health.

"We have lost a child, Payden. Payden was a very Strong Child.


He fought the good fight. He ran his race. In the short time he lived, he taught me great lessons.

He taught Perseverance. He is resting. We will remember him as a Legend,” Eric Omondi announced via Instagram.

He added, “We will celebrate his life. We will bury him as a King's Son. God give him rest. We will not lose hope, we will bury him like a soldier with our heads held high. Once again, Thank you to ALL who contributed. We will continue.”


Payden's death comes just a few days after the famous comedian arranged for his transfer from the hospital where he was admitted to a state-of-the-art medical center after bringing Kenyans together to donate money for his treatment.

Last week, Eric had revealed the young boy's health problem and encouraged Kenyans to donate to his treatment through his social media accounts.

"This is the child Pyden Mudoga, he is only one month old. I have visited him several times in the hospital and every time I see him he is crying, he has a cancerous tumor in his jaw and is always in pain. We MUST STOP the pain,” Eric revealed last week.

He attached his statement to a video that showed him holding Payden who was crying uncontrollably while his mother just looked at him in pain.

"This is his mother, Magdalene Khamisi, a very strong woman. Tonight from 2pm to midnight I will be raising money for baby and mother on all my social media accounts. START SENDING MONEY to mother's number 0757845548 (Name: MAGDALENE KHAMISI). We will change enough to treat the child and help the family move from their one room in Kawangware street to a better house,” he added.

Later that evening, the comedian managed to inspire Kenyans to raise more than Ksh 600,000 for the sick child who has now, unfortunately, lost his life.