Jimal Rohosafi with Amira in the past
Image: Instagram

Businesswoman Amira has admitted that her divorce from co-parent Jimal Rohosafi had psychological effects on their children.

The mother of two revealed this on Monday evening after meeting with her ex-husband regarding parenting issues.

She said their divorce had psychological effects, not only on her but also on their children, whom she had to take to a counselor.


"Let me tell you how divorce affected my children to the point that I had to take them for therapy (However, a long story for another day). It has taken me a lot of work to be where I am mentally." Amira said via Instagram.

The beauty products entrepreneur hinted about forgiving everyone who wronged her when their marriage broke down a few years ago.

"Holding onto anger and resentment does nothing good for me. I am free, I let God fight my battles and revenge for me,” she said.


She said after her marriage ended, she found peace, healed, and became more present in her children's lives.

At the same time, she warned netizens against teaching her how to be a co-parent and ex-wife, saying she is willing to do anything.

"I will do whatever I see fit for myself, as long as it is respectful and peaceful for him. Having said that, goodnight dear ones. Let me take my medication and sleep,” Amira said Sunday evening.

She added, "The same people coming into my DM to teach me how to co-parent are the same ones who would still beat me today if they heard that Amira is a bad mother or a bitter ex.

Guess what, I can also do that. and all of you will fix it, and if you don't, that's okay too. Don't worry, I've cried enough, I won't cry again! Did I tell you about Amira 2.0? or should I introduce myself again?”

Amira made these remarks after mixed emotions emerged on social media following her recent meeting with her ex-husband Jimal Rohosafi.