South Africa's Tyla
Image: Courtesy

South African first time Grammy Award winning singer and songwriter Tyla Laura Seethal, has revealed that she almost failed to pursue a career in music.

Speaking to BBC1xtra the 22-year-old 'Water' hitmaker opened up on how her parents wanted her to go to university and further her studies as opposed to joining the entertainment scene.

Walking down memory lane, Tyla recounted how she had to plead with her parents severally, requesting them for just a little time to dip her feet in the industry and if the craft failed then she would abide by their wishes. 


"I was on verge, like on the verge!" Started off the musician as she emphasized how close she was to failing to chase after her dream, "I was on the verge of studying mining engineering. I literally almost did (that) instead of doing music," added Tyla.

Expounding on that she added; 

"Literally only because my parents why like, 'You have to study That was the only reason,!"


"So I asked my parents to give me a year, just a year to prove that I can do this (music) and eventually I got them to agree,"

Finishing up she credited her song 'Getting Late' which she released back in January 2021 for helping softening her parents hearts and show them that she has potential.

"And then in that year (2019) I released 'Getting Late' and I showed them, yeah I am taking this seriously," Tyla gleefully said.

Just recently, Tyla went on air to defend her newly released album from critics who have voiced that all her songs sound exactly similar to her Grammy winning breakthrough song 'Water.'

During an appearance she made on Kiss Fresh UK with Henrie Vii, Tyla maintained her music was fresh and new and that is why people were having a hard time wrapping their heads around it.

"So, I have been seeing that people are saying all the songs sound like 'Water' and I am like 'huh? Like what do you guys mean?" Started off the 21-year-old South African artist.

Defending her album and music style she noted that her songs might sound the same simply because she was just working in the same genre.


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