Janet Mbugua

Former Citizen TV presenter Janet Mbugua added her voice to the list of Kenyans who are calling out the government after protesters were shot with live bullets.

She is pleading with the President to restore peace in the country by not signing the finance bill that had been opposed by many after it sailed through the third hearing.

"Now is the time to stand with those who voted for you. Years of corruption and deceit have united Kenyans in anger and disappointment. This is your moment to take radical action and listen to us. We demand change in your cabinet, in the laws, and in your perception of Kenyan people," Janet Mbugua wrote.

"Seize this opportunity, don't give people more reasons to protest against leadership that has left them feeling unsafe and disillusioned. People have sacrificed their lives for this country. You cannot shoot your way out of this crisis. Make the right choice. Be a leader, not a bystander."

Through this letter, Janet has clearly articulated what Kenyans want at the moment since they have reached a point where they can no longer carry the burden of hiked taxes on their shoulders since life is already hard for them.

In the letter, Janet emphasized the importance of reducing taxes and implementing more equitable tax policies that do not disproportionately affect the less fortunate.

Mbugua also called out for greater transparency and accountability in how public funds are utilized, suggesting that addressing these issues would help alleviate the economic burden on Kenyans.

Mbugua also called on the President to reconsider the bill's impact on the cost of living, emphasizing the need for a more balanced approach that does not unduly burden the already struggling populace.

She also highlighted how tax increases including those on essential items like bread and sanitary pads, would disproportionately affect ordinary Kenyans, especially women and low-income families.