Aden Duale

Defense CS Aden Duale announced the deployment of the military following a day of deadly protests against the controversial Finance Bill which has raised a lot of questions of whether it is right according to the constitution.

The constitution clearly states that there should be approval from parliament before doing so, which it wasn't approved at the time of the gazette notice.

In a gazette notice dated June 25, the Defense CS cited Article 241 (3) (b)of the Kenyan constitution to declare the deployment of the Kenya Defense Forces in support of the National police service.

From the story lets now look at the possible circumstances and legal frameworks that govern the deployment of the Kenya Defense Forces (KDF):

Counter-Terrorism Operations:

Engaging in operations specifically aimed at neutralizing terrorist threats within or outside the country.

Support to Civil Authorities:

Providing logistical and operational support to civil authorities during elections, major public events, or other situations where their expertise and resources are needed.

Border Security:

Ensuring the security and integrity of national borders against illegal activities such as smuggling, human trafficking, and armed incursions.

International Alliances: Participating in joint military exercises and operations with allied nations as part of defense agreements or treaties.

Humanitarian Assistance: Offering humanitarian aid in response to crises that exceed the capacity of civilian agencies, such as large-scale refugee influxes.

External threats:

Defending the country against foreign aggression on threats to national sovereignty.

Internal threats: Assisting in maintaining internal security in situations where civil authorities are overwhelmed such as during major riots, terrorism threats, or severe instability.

These grounds and frameworks ensure that the deployment of the KDF is conducted responsibly and in alignment with both national security interests and legal obligations.