How to achieve soft, fluffy chapatis

Chapati also known as Phulka or Roti is an Indian flatbread made with finely milled whole wheat flour

Chapatis served with beef and veggie stew
Image: Courtesy

In as much as people assume chapati is African mostly Kenyan if we are being honest, the meal is actually an Indian flatbread made with finely milled whole wheat flour. 

Also known as Phulka or Roti it is one of the most well-known and adaptable Indian dishes. 

Making the perfect chapati can be a bit challenging for inexperienced cooks.

 Attaining that perfect round shape and the soft yet well-cooked inside at the same time is a daunting task. 

So, here are some handy tips to help you make the perfect chapati like a pro:

Add Oil to the Flour:

Add a little oil to your wheat flour and yields soft and tasty chapatis. When the chapatis are on the pan, it will help them heat up more quickly without sacrificing a lot of moisture which leads to drying.

 Knead a soft dough:

Many people commit the error of hastily kneading the dough and adding inadequate water. 

To knead a soft and smooth dough, add lukewarm water or milk to your dough and knead it for at least 15 minutes to rise. You can as well leave it for half an hour for softer and simpler to-roll chapatis.

Rolling the chapati:

Make sure the balls you make before rolling your chapatis are small, slightly moist, and don't have any corners.

 To prevent them from sticking to a pan, lightly pour some dry flour on the rolling board and pin.

Time the Cooking Process

 Before cooking your chapati ensure the pan is well heated. After placing your rolled chapati on the pan, cook it for 10 to 15 seconds on the first side before flipping it over and cooking it for another 30 to 40 seconds.

Stack over one another and apply a bit of ghee:

After your chapati has nicely puffed up, press it flat with a spoon and stack them on top of one another.

This will lessen the likelihood of moisture loss. Applying a little oil/butter to your hot chapatis will keep them moi

Puff the Chapati on the Flame:

Next, place the chapati directly over the flame and wait for it to puff up. It shouldn’t take more than 60 seconds to finish making a puffed and cooked chapati; otherwise, it might quickly lose too much moisture and become tight. Use your tongs to move any portions of your chapati that haven’t puffy over the heat source. Before placing the rotis over the burner, make sure the flame has been reduced.

st and improve their flavours.

 Preserving your chapatis:

Wrapping your chapatis in plastic wrap can help them stay fresh for extended periods of time.

Or like my grandma always does, store them wrapped in an empty wheat flour packaging.

This is to prevent the meal from oxidation and spoilage by keeping out air, preventing unwanted drying and absorbing moisture as well.

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