The Ministry of Education has approved radical changes to the management of public schools, adopting new names for institutions that will domicile Junior Secondary Schools.

Under the published guidelines by the ministry, the names of the primary schools that will host JSS will be revised to align them with the Competency-Based Curriculum.

The ministry has also said the management of JSS be under the headship of current primary school heads for a transition period of one year.


The current boards of management of primary schools will constitute special sub-committees that will spearhead the operationalisation of JSS.

The Special Sub-Committees will then open JSS bank accounts for tuition capitation, operational capital funds and infrastructure grants after an introduction letter from the subcounty director of education.

Comprehensive schools-those with both primary and junior secondary shall adopt the name of the primary school in which they are domiciled.


The ministry says only “except in special circumstances” that a different name will be adopted.

For instance, a school currently called ‘Ketichini Primary School’, shall adopt ‘Ketichini School (Primary and JSS)’ as its name.

To ensure prudent management of school resources, the ministry says there will be two separate bank accounts for JSS and primary school sections.

“For the bank accounts, the Primary School and Junior Secondary Schools shall have separate bank accounts,” the ministry said.

Regarding school uniforms, the JSS leadership will determine them in consultation with their respective stakeholders.

“This includes the additional features unique features for identification and branding of their institutions,” the ministry said.

The ministry said the responsibility of school uniforms shall be borne by the parents but no school heads will dictate the specific uniform stores to purchase from.

“At a minimum, one pair of uniforms is recommended per learner. The uniform shall be the responsibility of parents and no school shall direct parents where to purchase the uniform,” the ministry said.

“No JSS learners shall be excluded for failure to afford a school uniform and the JSS uniform shall be sensitive to the cultural and religious values of the respective communities. Special consideration shall be made given different climatic conditions.”

The ministry has warned that school heads shall not issue any joining instructions for JSS learners.