Kwambox and Chito Ndlovu
Image: Instagram

Chito Ndlovu and Kwambox had a very fascinating story today where they asked listeners the state in which they left their beds after waking up.

Chito introduced the topic by stating that people in China had a competition on how fast people can spread their beds.


Kwambox chimed in by revealing that there were some people out there who don't even make their beds, something that really irks her, and she considers it a serious problem.

Chito said that not spreading the bed was something he had noted a lot with Kenyan influencers. 

Chito himself admitted that he can spend a lot of time making his bed, even checking the edges and the pillows.

"Do you spread your bed after you wake up ama you leave it mathogothanio?" was the question the morning duro asked. 


Read some comments from listeners 

ngonyoanna Me too my bed has to be made.5hReply

kar.iuki342 sikuwahi kuamini kuwa meneja halisi na halali bado yupo lakini @shaton_scott08 alinithibitisha vibaya baada ya kurejeshewa $3200 ndani ya siku 2 kama faida yangu.

Michael Mich Spreading your bed is a way of starting your day in a good mood and energy in your mind. It works for me so not making my bed is a no no

Watch the video below: