Kwambox and Kerry Martin


On the morning show with Kwambox and Kerry, they talked about keeping the environment clean and tidy by disposing of garbage in an appropriate way.

“The place I used to stay before the place I stay now used to give us those garbage bags more often, ile siku ya kuhama nilitoka na garbage bags nyingi up until right now I do that. Where I stay now they only give you one trash bag,” Kerry said.

“Am so sure the person who collects garbage akifika hapo anaona ooh! Work made easy.”

According to Kwambox, she thought plastic garbage bags were banned according to how NEMA.

“The reason am asking is because tomorrow is world’s Environment Day and when I do my research who actually cares about the environment for example in Kenya school children are the ones who plant trees, they are the ones who will do the clean of rivers,” Kwambox said.

Kwambox went on and recognized the people who sell plants along the road for making Nairobi green and also criticized those who dispose of their garbage carelessly.

She went on and pose a question to the fans of whether their actions portray a person who is responsible with the environment.