
On today's morning show, Kwambox and Kerry talked about Rema's song "Calm Down," which has been hugely popular in India.

Kwambox explained, "Rema was in India for a wedding, and they just wanted to hear that song on repeat.

They even told Justin Bieber to quiet down so they could hear Rema sing the chorus."

Kerry added that the song's success is largely thanks to TikTok. "After India, he went to perform at the UK Wireless Festival. Ruger and other artists were there too. I saw Sexy Red posing, and it's funny how Americans sometimes look like they're from third-world countries when standing next to African artists," Kwambox remarked.

"Materials are hard to come by," Kerry responded.

Kwambox continued, discussing how Americans often appear in casual or odd outfits, which she finds amusing. "She was greeting Rema while he was looking sharp, and she was wearing a bonnet on stage. I'm sorry to say, but America is slowly starting to resemble third-world countries."