Kwambox and Kerry Martin

On today's morning show, Kwambox and Kerry had a conversation about how cops raided a church yesterday during the protests.

"Yani all Kenyans we are God fearing, President God-fearing mmh Kenyans themselves God-fearing, Bishops wanasema please lets put an end to the violence in the protests lakini polisi who is God, I saw them storming into a church looking for protesters nikasema bro I know it is a job but come on," Kwambox said.

"Okay I hear that right, what if the protesters ran into a mosque, will they follow them in."


"The police have no boundaries, like there is no place yenye unasema ati they are not going to follow, si ati this people are criminals ni teargas imetupwa na wanatoroka they got into the church," Kerry explained.

Kwambox then narrated how the people in the church laid down and according to her she found it so wrong.

"The first time I saw the police tear gas a school, it's nothing sacred, but this time is the church, you know what's next right, they are going to start to tear gas us in our homes, like everywhere," Kwambox explained.

"Wafanye tu hivi kila mtu apatiwe tear gas yake kama unaleta ufala wewe release tear gas yako, kula tear gas yako, because honestly kwa church."

"You even start wondering where you should run to for you to be safe, for you not to be affected by the teargas, you run into the police station they won't tear gas themselves," Kerry said.

Kwambox then went on and narrated how Larry Madowo was attacked by the police through throwing tear gas at him.

'Huyo msee wa water canon alikuwa anawater cops manzee," Kwambox said.