Eric Omondi
Image: Instagram

On today's morning show, Kwambox interviewed comedian Eric Omondi, Honorable Kennedy Ondiek, and Okoth Opondo about the recent appointment of cabinet secretaries in the country.

"President William Samoei Ruto is tone-deaf," Eric said. "He isn't listening to anything or anyone, not even himself. The things he says and the things he does don't match. On live television, he fired Cabinet Ministers and then, again on live television, he re-hired them."

"I've said I want ugali and mboga; we do not want corruption, and corruption begins at the cabinet level. The people that the president re-appointed are the most corrupt; they have cases in court," he alleged.


Eric continued, saying the President isn't listening to the people, who are the voice of God.

He pointed out that the President keeps repeating the same mistakes without considering the citizens' needs. "Gen Z and millennials are tired of the status quo: corruption, tribalism, nepotism, and wastage," the comedian added.

Kwambox then asked the gentlemen to review the list of cabinet secretaries who were rehired to understand the criteria used to deem these individuals suitable for their positions.

"Personally, I haven't heard what they wanted the president to listen to and he hasn't," Honorable Kennedy responded.

"I told you I want to listen to what they have to say. We have the constitution of Kenya; we cannot talk as if our constitution has been suspended. We are not in anarchy."

Watch the clip below: