Rigathi Gachagua.
Image: The-Star

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua says he is still healing from the arrest and prosecution before he became the DP.

Speaking at the 3rd regional symposium on greening judiciaries in Africa, Gachagua told Chief Justice Martha Koome that appearing before so many judges reminded him of his former case.

The DPP has since withdrawn the corruption case that he was facing at the anti-corruption magistrate’s court.

“Lady CJ I must say that appearing before so many CJs and judges is so intimidating you know my lady in my earlier life before the people of Kenya decided to bring me to this side of the divide, I was a constant visitor before you in not too pleasant circumstances,” he said

“So, any time you invite me I am a bit hesitant because appearing before you in different circumstances is rather traumatising but we are healing slowly. This continuous appearing before you complete that healing."

After reading his official speech for the closing ceremony Gachagua ended by saying he would not say anything outside it.

“I don’t want to say anything besides my official statement,” he said.

He, however, said he had brought greetings from the President who was outside the country on official duties further adding that he has sent him to tell them that the government will offer support to the judiciary

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