Kabi WaJesus with Milly WaJesus. Kabi reveals his struggles with depression
Image: Instagram

Digital content creator/social media influencer Kabi wa Jesus is opening up about his fight with depression, a topic he's never branched before.

Kabi revealed he'd fell into depression back in September 2022 and for a while he didn't know how to tackle it. He maintained people didn't notice he was not okay as he kept a fake profile on camera.

"Me I was so depressed. Unaona lakini mimi nilikuwa naskia watu hujikata kata hivyo, ilikuwa imefika hapo," Kabi sadly revealed.


He went on to reveal that he was emotionally and mentally completely tired.

“My energy just went away. I used to look happy on camera, but I was dying inside," said the father of 3 during a candid conversation he had with his wife Milly on their YouTube channel.


Recounting his struggle Kabi noted that it wasn't just him battling with the mental illness, his family members were also struggling. This is due to a family-related incident that deeply affected his family and loved ones as well, plunging them into a month-long period of depression.


“I would wake up at night and just leave. I would just drive away. I went to Naivasha. Another time, I left my home and just went somewhere and slept for two nights because I did not want to affect my kids,” the content creator noted.

On how he'd deal with dark and heavy thoughts plaguing him, Kabi highlighted he found solace in solo drives.

“I would wake up at night and just leave. I would just drive away. I went to Naivasha. Another time, I left my home and just went somewheredvice and slept for two nights because I did not want to affect my kids,” Kabi said.


His wife chirping in revealed she had been worried when he disappeared at night because not only did she see her husbands struggles but he also didn't use to pick her calls.

But she maintained she eventually checked his Geo-location and figured her husband had gone to Naivasha to seek solace.

Kabi maintained that he did not keep this to himself revealing he did seek professional help and start therapy.

Finishing up the father of 3 revealed that even though he'd overcome his fears and openly addressed his battle with depression, he was still scared of the public's reaction.

Kabi told his wife of how scared he was as being either misunderstood or seen not manly enough due to his struggles with depression.

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