Anita Nderu
Image: Instagram

Digital content creator/media personality and social media influencer Anita Nderu is a proud mom following the latest achievements that her 10-month-old baby girl has crossed off the bucket list.

According to the former TV host, her daughter Kaya is now walking and already has two teeth.

But that isn't the highlight of the new mom. According to Anita, their midday naps absolutely have her heart.


"Kaya and I have a new routine where we do midday naps together. I can't possibly express how much I love them and how dead my left arm is everyday at this time, I am actually just typing this to keep blood flow going," started Anita excitedly.

She went on to add;


"I got this blanket from a friend of ours called Jennifer (fabulous human being) a while back, it is my blankie blankie.


I'm hoping Ky will make it her blankie blankie too' Off to sleep I go zzz," wrote Anita as she added several love heart emojis to the post.

She then went ahead to share a cute video of her daughter walking around and speaking gibberish as she mumbled on.

"This update is for the online aunties and uncles with much love, Ky now has 2 teeth and is starting to walk," wrote the fashion enthusiast accompanying the post with a crying emoji highlighting how big her daughter had grown.

Finishing up she confirmed that the saying "they grow up too fast" is actually true and she was already feeling like the moments were going by a little too fast.

"Parents aren't joking when they say, 'They grow up too fast'," the media personality cried.

A month ago full of pride and joy, Anita shared a video of her young one cooing and clapping her hands while seated on a baby chair after a hearty meal.

"Kaya has learned how to clap and it was so cute to witness 😍 Her whole journey from being in my womb to creating her own identity has been interesting, cute, hard, and weird to watch😲" announced the former radio host.

She went on to highlight how she's been learning motherhood through experience as no day has been the same as the other.

"I learn on the job, every day is not the same🤗" Part of Anita's paragraph read.

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