Digital content creator Carrol Muthoni
Image: Instagram

Digital content creator Carol Muthoni has opened up on co-parenting with comedian Mulamwah.

Speaking during an interview with Nicholas Kioko the 28-year-old asked the public to stop asking her such baseless questions as if everyone can clearly remember Mulamwah publicly denied his daughter.

"Tushatoka huko (we are way past that). What matters is that Kayla is good," Sonnie told the YouTuber.

She went on to add that Nicholas was asking the wrong person such questions as the dad should be the one to answer if he is taking care of his kid since he even denied the child.

"The person that you have mentioned should be asked the right question. We all saw that alideny mtoto wake. I don't know why you don't ask him kama alikataa mtoto wake," she added finishing off with that chapter.

She also refused to answer paternity questions telling people to look at whom the little girl resembled

On the ex she was talking about reconnecting with about 2 months ago, Sonnie maintained in no way was she talking about Mulamwah, reminding people she has other exes besides the talent manager.

Mulamwah and Sonnie when they first welcomed their baby girl

In the said Instagram post she had wailed about how the piercing cold was about to force her to call her ex.

While many thought she was referring to Mulamwah, it turned out there was another guy who was making her heart pulp faster.

"If I was targeting Mulamwah, si niko na number yake, ningempigia tu," started off the mother of one.

Carol went on to add;


"Whatever I did at that particular time, it worked because mwenye nilikuwa natafuta at that particular time, nishampata na things ziko best.

Nilikuwa nimelimwa block for one week,"

Which loosely translates to;

"I have Mulamwah's number, I would have called him...whoever I was looking for at the time, I found him and things are fine... I had been blocked for a whole week," she said.

The media personality went on to gush over her new man highlighting how blissful the relationship was. She pointed out that she was so at peace that she had even added some weight.

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