Mungai eve and boyfriend Director Trevor
Image: Courtesy/ Instagram

Eve Mungai's boyfriend, Director Trevor has left Netizens stunned after he revealed plans to adopt a baby this year.

Trevor who works as a videographer (mainly for his girlfriend) made the news public during a QnA session that he had with his Instagram followers after a curious netizen asked him if he had any kids or was planning on getting one any time soon.

His remarks have left netizens super confused as he lives with his girlfriend and Eve has made it clear that she is not yet ready to conceive... is this what is pushing Trevor to adoption? Will the 3 of them be living together?


These and a lot more questions (some even questioning their fertility) have been flying online since Trevor's revelation.

"Uko an mtoi (Do you have a child?)" A curious netizen had asked the brand influencer on Instagram.

Responding to the question Trevor acknowledged that he had not sired any kids yet but was thinking of adopting.

Director Trevor with Mungai Eve
Image: Instagram

"'I want to adopt one, a baby boy," Trevor's response read throwing netizens into a confused state.

Previously, Trevor during a Q&A session on Instagram had stated that their plan is to have their first child in January 2026, with Eve getting pregnant in 2025 but it now seems the tune is slowly changing.

Last year Eve had asked people to stop pressuring her and her man to conceive just because everyone else was having kids left right and centre. The digital content creator highlighted that a woman's sole purpose is not to have kids and people should drop their archaic mindset. 

“You all should stop telling us ooh, mpate watoto kama nani, kila mtu ako na plans za life and again being a woman doesn’t mean your purpose is only to get children. Kila mtu na place yake,"  said the budding entrepreneur.

Trevor chimed in and said that getting pregnant before you're ready can be one's worst nightmare.

“If you are not ready to have children, getting pregnant can be your worst nightmare; because having a baby will change you forever.

You will lose yourself and a new you will emerge,” 

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