Kamene and Jalas
Kamene and Jalas

Do not get it twisted, love is a beautiful thing but it also makes us do stupid things which we end up feeling like fools once the relationship is over.

But I don't usually blame anyone for doing some things when they are in love because, we do it from a position of love and compromise.

We always want to let our guard down, forget our norms so as to accommodate our significant others  and make them feel loved and valued. However, more often it ends in premium tears.

While having this discussion, Jalang'o left Kamene in stitches when he revealed that he had allocated KCI and Jojo's 'All my life' song as her official ringtone.

That was not all because he also had a photo of the two framed in his house, something that was hard to get rid of once their relationship was over.

But what are some of the stuff that couples do together and probably think they might end up together only for it to fail?

They include;

1. Shopping for household items in Kamukunji.

2. Buying duvets and curtains in Eastleigh.

3. Framing a photo of you together.

4. Calling your partner's parents every week.

5. Allocating a special ringtone for your partner.

6. Wearing matching kitenge outfits.

7. Attending weddings and ruracio's together.

8. Travelling to upcountry together.

Call it simping or not, most of us still find ourselves doing these stuff unapologetically. But si ni life!