Kenyan entertainer Eric Omondi
Image: Instagram

So, unless you live under a rock you know that Balenciaga just dropped the craziest most bizarre new pair of sneakers.

The new Paris Trainers Mules are worn out, distressed, and look as if a kid was given spray paint then asked to write the brand logo over them.

The sneakers were dropped 3 days ago with only 100 pairs of the 'extra distressed' set to be sold. 

And barely days later our very own, Eric Omondi just posted a video claiming to have purchased the sneakers.


In the said video, Eric is seen holding a box with the brand label then unboxing it and wearing the trending pair of sneakers.

In a phone interview with Kiss100, Eric revealed that he had actually purchased not one but two of the famous distressed pair of shoes that have people going crazy online.


“I've just shown people one pair only. I bought those ones at Ksh 213 thousand shillings. I have the grey ones as well... yes I bought two pairs. I just spent over 400k on shoes,” he bragged.

Claiming that they’re a statement piece “I bought them because they’re unique, artistic and creative, such an amazing statement piece, hakuna viatu zingine kama hizo," he defended his decision for the exuberant purchase

"Kwanza these ones I’ll wear them everywhere, you’ll never see me without them. I do not think I will be wearing any other pair in a long time,” he joked.

On the exuberant price, the comedian argued that our time on earth is short.

“We are here for a short time, and it is a once-in-a-lifetime thing. I do not feel like I wasted money. In all the years I’ve been alive how many pairs of shoes have I worn? Some people buy cars others houses, I bought shoes. Once in a while mtu anajitreat,” he casually replied.

Eric went on to add that he had spent 65 thousand to ship the shoes to the country, stating that shipment had taken only 3 days and was inclusive of tax. 

On claims that the shoes were not original because the box appeared a little old and not well taken care of, he laughed the claims off saying,

“To those claiming the box is old, have you seen the shoes themselves? The packaging is a statement as well. Kwanza the box of the other pair looks older. It is the whole idea, inakuja na box inakaa imechapa.”

It is interesting to note that even if the shoes are on the brand's website, they are only available in the European market.

While the US and Middle East markets are set to get the collection on 16th May, while the Japanese market is expected to have them on 23rd May.

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