Actress Esther Chebet

The Real Househelps of Kawangware actress Esther Chebet has for the first time shared little-known details about her struggles with mental health while addressing trolls.


In a candid video, Chebet went down memory lane to the time she lost her mother and how the whole tragedy has affected her life.

According to the actress, a section of Netizens always want to dictate how people (celebrities) should live their lives without knowing what goes on behind the scenes.


“I lost my mother last year. I watched her die last year and she had acute kidney injury which came with other complications because we found out about the condition when it was too late. 


“Mom was living with physical disability…but before mom passed she really suffered. She was in and out of hospital. It all started in 2010 when I was finishing form 4 and I’m the one who took her to the hospital. That was also the first time I heard my mother say she is dying,”

Esther Chebet

Chebet revealed that her mom was in and out of the hospital from 2010 to 2022 when she passed away.

“As a firstborn child, I have never been okay…mental illness, anxiety, and depression are not new terms to me. And it did not start when mom was sick, even before because I grew up in a dysfunctional home,” she said.

The actress went on to confess that she was hospitalized in March this year after being overwhelmed by everything she was going through. 

“Since 2020, I have been going through a lot and Mom’s death was just a highlight. All this took a toll on me and I was hospitalized in March. It was bad so I stayed in the hospital for about two weeks and was given medication. If you have been to a mental health facility you know they give you medication to stabilize your moods and they can make you add weight, overeat, and other things," she stated. 

Chebet advised body shammers to be kind to people on the internet because they know nothing about their struggles.

“So for those people who feel entitled to my space (public figures) and those abusing me in my inbox, there is a problem.

Before it could affect me but life has hardened me. I always wanted my story to inspire someone and I think I have gotten to body shamers, you don’t know what people are going through so change your ways,”

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