King Kaka faces backlash following Sage's recent interview

Sage revealed she fell into depression after childbirth due to the drama involving her, Kaka and his wife Nana Owiti

King Kaka is facing backlash following Sage's interview
Rapper King Kaka King Kaka is facing backlash following Sage's interview

" Wajinga Nyinyi," hitmaker King Kaka is currently facing backlash after an interview his baby mama and singer Chemutai Sage did surfaced online. 

She interviewed with Hot List. 

During her interview, Sage revealed that she sunk into depression because of all the drama involved between her and King Kaka.

In her statement, Sage started by revealing that she suffered from post-partum depression - ended up tripling to depression and anxiety.

 “After I had my baby, I suffered from post-partum depression which turned into depression. 

I didn’t want to leave the house, I had a lot of anxiety and even shut everyone out." Sage revealed.

She went on to reveal that the state she was in did not even allow her to release any new music as she was doubtful and anxious.

"I was scared to release my song because I didn’t know if people would like it. I doubted myself to the point I just wanted to be alone.

 I had writer’s block but early last year, I started to write songs and recorded a lot of it but still, but I was still scared. I only released two songs,” added Sage.

A few years ago, King Kaka was in the middle of a family drama after his two baby mamas (at the moment) Sage and Nana Owiti gave birth at almost the same time.

That implied that he had been cheating and unfaithful at some point to Nana who was known as the main girl.

The drama eventually cooled off and he solidified his relationship with Nana as he also took on a co-parenting role with Sage.

Kaka in true king fashion after the whole fiasco went ahead to release a song featuring his two women addressing the situation with top-of-the-shelf poetic narration.

Following the piece, Kenyans on Twitter have been calling out King Kaka and blaming him for ruining Sage's musical career and life generally as he eventually made good with his wife Nana, and they went back to living together.

Neither Sage nor King Kaka has addressed the heated debate and backlash going on on Twitter.

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