Jackie Matubia reveals hubby isn't happy with her weight loss

Jackie Matubia spent half a million for her weight loss procedure

Blessing is unhappy with Jackie losing weight
Jackie Matubia with Blessing Lughalo Blessing is unhappy with Jackie losing weight
Image: Instagram

During an episode on her YouTube channel actress Jackie Matubia opened up about her weight loss journey and how it has affected her relationship with her baby daddy.

Apparently, Blessing isn't happy with the changes.

Jackie said since the procedure, she eats less and feels full faster, something that her fiancĂ© Blessing Lungaho totally disapproves of.

"Blessing does not want that, he doesn't want me to get smaller.

And I was like, 'dude ulinikatianikiwa na hio weight' ( when you hit on me at first I was small)

Anway wanawake tujipende na ile weight tunataka, usiskize bwanako, love yourself

Si ata wewe unataka kukatiwa huku nje and be called mrembo."

Speaking about the process, Jackie added that after the procedure one gets sick for roughly 3 days.

Talking about having the gastric procedure Jackie revealed, "you'll get a similar feeling to being pregnant. You'll puke, feel nauseated, don't want strong scents, and get cramps and all.

During the 3 days, you'll be strictly on water. Even if you're taking apple juice you mix it up with water."

The mother of two added that on the second day of her procedure her ulcers started acting up and it was hell for her.

This is because she had not eaten 12 hours before having ingested the balloon for the weight loss procedure.

The actress had initially shared a video of the process as the doctor inserted the balloon through her mouth

She went on to reveal that it cost her half a million (500k) for Allurion gastric balloon weight loss procedure.

Jackie finished off by saying she has seen tremendous changes and as she had lost 6kgs four days after the procedure.

"It's an amazing feeling because you're losing weight so drastically, but nothing comes easy.

As we speak I'm at 97.5 kg 

I have lost 6 kgs so far, something I would have worked out like crazy for at the gym. 

My target weight is 75 ( because that used to be my weight before) and I am very sure I am going to get it by December." 

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