Andrew Kibe angrily fires back at Diana Marua after she called him poor

Diana had attacked Kibe claiming he wouldn't have a career without her

Andrew Kibe fires back at Diana Marua after she called him poor
Image: Instagram

YouTuber Andrew Kibe has finally responded to rapper Diana Marua after she attacked him and claimed without her he'd not have a career.

Taking to her Instagram page the mother of 3 maintained she felt Kibe was poor and resentful and that is why he is always attacking her online.

"Andrew Kibe, why do you like to insult me? The way you are poor, just discovered that without mentioning Diana B! This man will have no Career! Issorait," Diana wrote, not mincing her words as she called out to Kibe for being envious of her life

Following this, Kibe in true fashion has released a YouTube video firing back at Diana B while flaunting some of his possessions in a bid to dispel Diana's notion that he was poor.

"Shosh alienda akasema I'm broke," a triggered Kibe.

He went on to add that Diana was the one trying to get attention by dragging his name on social media.

Kibe added, "Shosh went there and is trying to get my attention telling me that I'm broke... You know it doesn't matter, whether you have money or don't have money as long as you are content with your life,".

Continuing his rant Kibe highlighted that he was in his unbothered era and taking life advice from madmen because that level of unbothered-ness had peace to it.

A move clearly meant to downplay the broke jab that Diana had taken at him.

Andrew Kibe.
Image: Instagram

 "Have you ever seen a mad man, hana stress, hana rent ya kulipa, he doesn't know where his next meal is coming from, he doesn't care about anything and you want me to care about things? 

I don't care, I have reduced my cares to zero hakuna shamba na service oohh sijui loan, mahitaji yangu iko hivi. 

I have reduced my life to me and playing pool, that's all I do. Play pool sleep, eat, drink, so kuwa broke au kutokuwa broke sasa hiyo ni kitu unaweza ambia mtu eh you are broke.

So what? Alafu? Alafu tufanye nini sasa si upeleke kwa bank, useme hii tweet imenitengenza doh" Kibe angrily fired at the artist.

But just in case people really believed Diana's story and assumed he might be broke, he went on to show off his sleek Mercedes Benz S550 which reportedly cost him no less than 13 million shillings.

"s550 ni your diabs, that's all Im gonna say" retorted Kibe adding, "hata kama sina kitu ingine, Nina s550," as he whistled laughing.

He finished off by noting that maybe Diana was "about to release one of her horrible songs," and that is why she was clout chasing.

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