Marya Prude.
Image: Instagram

Willis Raburu's ex-wife Marya Prude has talked about bullies who think she should stop working out.

Marya said she has recently started hitting the gym because she has not been loving how her body looked lately.

She held a Q and A session with her Instagram fans where she talked about her weight-loss journey.


Marya said she currently weighs 80 kg and hopes to lose 10 kg more.

"I don't like my body so I decided to do something about it. I am currently 80kg," she said.

Another fan asked:


"How many Kilos do you want to shed off?"

Marya responded;

"At least 10kgs for now."

Marya also said that haters had told her that working out is for poor people.

In her response, however, Marya Prude said that she is going to keep on hitting the gym no matter what.

"Wueh! Ati nimeambiwa 'working out is for poor people' Gosh.

Sosho media is not for the weak bruh πŸ˜†πŸ˜†. Haina noma acha niendelee kuinua chuma mimi poor πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚" she said.

In a previous post, Marya talked about how she enjoyed working out while pregnant.

Reminiscing on a past video of herself while heavily pregnant and lifting weights at the gym, Marya shared,

"#tbt to when working out pregnant was easier than I thought.

 I really enjoyed it…Adana gave me so much energy and strength that I was looking forward to working out every other day."