I went to hell and Back -Jamie Foxx breaks silence for the first time after life threatening ailment

Actor Jamie Foxx
Image: courtesy

Oscar award-winning actor Jamie Foxx through his socials has issued an update t his fans across the world after being hospitalized for weeks.

The 55-year-old superstar choked back tears as he recounted the trying moment even though he did not reveal what mysterious ailment had him in the hospital and bedridden for weeks.

"First of all I want to say thank you to everyone that has prayed for me and sent me messages, I can't even begin to tell you how far it took me and how it brought me back," started off the father of 2.

He went on to divulge the "hellish" experience he went through after he fell ill.

"I went through something that I never ever thought I would ever go through," Jamie could be heard saying as he choked back tears.

On why he never gave his global fans a formal or in-person update after being released from hospital, Jamie revealed that he felt horrible and didn't want his fans to see the shell of a man that he was at the time.

"I know a lot of you people were waiting or wanting to hear updates but to be honest with you, I just did not want you guys to see me like that man, I want you guys to see me laughing, having a good time, partying, cracking jokes, shooting movies and all.

I didn't want you guys to see me with tubes running through me, and wondering if I was going to make it through or not," Jamie said as tears welled up in his eyes.

He went on to thank his sister and daughter Corrine revealing that the two saved his life.

Jamie also praised his close circle for protecting him from the public eye during his lowest moment noting that that was one of the best gifts they bestowed upon him.

"To my family, to God, to a lot of great medical people I'm able to be here and leave you guys this video.

I can't tell you how great it feels to have your family kick it in like that. My family kept it air tight, they protected me... I went to hell and back and my road to recovery had some potholes as well but I'm coming back and I'm able to work.

I just want to say I love everybody and all the love I got. If you see me bursting a tear or two just know its valid, I was sick man but I made it," the actor emotionally said.

The all rounded Hollywood star according to TMZ is already back in front of the camera's and still smooth as ever.

According to the American online blog, Jamie shot a brand new BetMGM commercial on Wednesday in Las Vegas at the Aria Resort and Casino, and after almost 4 months of recovery and rehab he was in amazing shape showing no signs of physical ailment.


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