KRG the Don details what he adores most about Pablo Escobar

The artist revealed Escobar was the only person dead/alive he truly fancied meeting

Kenyan artist KRG the Don

Controversial Kenyan artist/entrepreneur KRG the Don in a recent interview with Citizen TV revealed that one of the most iconic people he looks up to is the late Mexican drug lord Pablo Escobar.

This came up after the host asked the father of 3 to name one person dead or alive that he would love to meet.

"Pablo Escobar," the 'Mambo Imechemka' hit maker answered even before the question could leave the host's mouth. A clear indication that the kingpin's existence indeed left a mark on KRG.

On why he chose Pablo, KRG went on to detail all the ways that he finds the late Mexican amazing...that is besides the drugs and general killings.

"Because Pablo was born very poor but he managed to make a whole lot of money in a very short period of time. And he managed to control so much and fight all these big people," started off the self-proclaimed billionaire.

Still gushing over Pablo and aspects that he found amazing he went on to add;

"It is only that he became violent a bit but he was very smart. It is sad that in the movies they will only show you the ugly side and his vices. The movies will portray the bad things that people want to see but he was a genius.

He was a genius because he knew how to and managed to manipulate so many people just so that he can make a living and find a way out of everything," KRG said.

He went on to clarify that he did not find Pablo amusing because of the business he did but rather because of how he carried out his business, just in case netizens got crazy ideas/decided to twist his words.

"Not because of his business and what he was doing, but because of the way he was doing things" the father of 3 said.

On whether or not personally he partakes in any drugs, KRG revealed that he only chews khat (miraa) and drinks alcohol. Those are his only vices. 

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