Kambua Manundu
Image: Instagram

This past weekend, gospel minister Kambua shared a unique tale about herself. The 'Usiku Na Mchana' hitmaker said in her YouTube show 'Being Kambua' that she experienced a miscarriage prior to giving birth to her first child.

"We were trying to have a child and I had started to get a little anxious so I would mention it in safe spaces with my sisters, with my mother, I would hint at it," she said.

She said she relaxed and would take it a day at a time, "But people start to ask or to hint, conversations in social gathering, what are you waiting for."


Kambua remembers a heavily pregnant woman who told her to hurry and get pregnant

"Ukipata ball you will be so marketable," she was told.

"At this point, she didn't even realize the struggle I was having mentally, emotionally and the fact that we had started trying for a little while and nothing was happening."


Kambua said she was listening to her body would think she was pregnant.

"Every time I got my period I remember the disappointment. Because sometime pre-menstural symptoms and early pregnancy symptoms can be very similar."

The first time she tested positive for pregnancy she sat down and cried, "Because for the first time in years, I've gotten a positive pregnancy test, I could not believe it."

"I remember my husband kneeling to Thank God because it was an answered prayer."

Everything was going great but when she was eight weeks pregnant going to nine weeks, there was no heartbeat.

"I remember the doctor saying 'Kambua, I'm sorry there is no heartbeat." 

She explained that she had to undergo procedures to clean the uterus.