Sarah Kabu undergoes her first cosmetic procedure

'The pain was minimal,' she noted about the procedure

Sarah Kabu
Bonfire Adventures managing director Sarah Kabu
Image: Mpasho

Bonfire Adventures managing director Sarah Kabu through aesthetics trainer and award-winning cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Pranav Pancholi has revealed that she has undergone her first cosmetic surgery.

In an Instagram video shared on Dr. Pancholi's Instagram page, Sarah could be seen calmly seated on the clinic's chair as the dermatologist went on to highlight what they would be doing.

According to the doctor, Sarah just had her first Botox done.


"Hello guys, so we have the amazing Sarah Kabu, from Bonfire. She's the MD of Bonfire Adventures and we share a joy for travel together.

Today we are going to do some Botox on her, let's see how it goes," Dr. Pancholi candidly said as he went on to severally inject Sarah slightly above her eyebrows.

He went on to console the mother of 2 assuring her that the process won't be painful as she seemed a little tensed up.


"Don't worry, don't worry you won't feel much, it is just a tiny tiny... very gentle, and we are done," said the doctor as he soothed his client.

After the treatment, Kabu confirmed that the procedure was indeed not as painful as she had expected.

"It was not painful... like psychologically I was scared but physically it was not painful, the pain is maybe like on a scale of one to 10 a two. Very little," she said as she let out a chuckle.

Previously, the mother of 2 had revealed she was considering having liposuction as her 45th birthday present

Through her Instagram page, Sarah asked for recommendations from women who have gone through the surgery whether locally or abroad.

"Any woman who has done liposuction locally or abroad I think this will be my 45th birthday present. I need recommendations early," the businesswoman wrote. It is unclear if she is still down for the surgery as she hasn't given an update yet but seeing as she has started on the cosmetic journey we won't be surprised if she unveils a new body soon.

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