Veteran actor Ras
Image: Courtesy

Veteran actor John Githui, popularly known as Ras from the hit TV series 'Mother in Law'  has sparked an interesting conversation online after he revealed that some public figures beg Kenyans for financial aid because they know the loyalty and love of their fanbase.

In a video that is currently trending online, the actor who has made a name for himself after starring in several local shows, narrated how some media personalities and local celebrities have made begging from Kenyans their second source of income.

Ras maintained some media personalities get frustrated with their low incomes that can not facilitate their life. and due to the low paychecks that creatives and entertainers receive they decide to tag at the hearts of their fans to help them with money.

He also noted that the industry had somehow changed for the worse with paychecks deteriorating. 

"It's a hard time for wasanii... (creatives) A lot of people know and notice actors, but they are broke. 

The value ya industry is going down with time. Whatever I used to get back then is different from what I get right now," Ras candidly revealed. 

He went on to reveal that due to this some artists resort to being beggars on online platforms fully knowing they have the numbers. This he maintains they do, not out of necessity or a dire need but as a strategic move to tap into the support they believe their fans can provide.

"This is why kuna wasanii wengine huingia kwa mtandao wanaambia wakenya wamesota wanachangiwa pesa. 

Unaeza pata huyu msanii si kusota amesota, ni kujam amejam. Anasema mimi wacha nitafute pesa kwa hawa wakenya by force kama wananijua," Ras revealed. 

The veteran actor also highlighted the plight of actors noting there were no bodies in place to ensure they received royalties for their work. As he faulted the government for not backing up creatives in the industry. 

"Hakuna royalty yoyote actors hupata. Tuseme my fresh episode comes on Thursday, then kuna repeats ya the same content on Monday, nikilipwa ya Thursday hiyo ya Monday silipwi kwa nini na kuna watu wamketi wanaiwatch? And ads are running?

Artists wa Kenya wanaeza jisustain but the only thing we lack is government backing. Hatuna policy yeyote inagovern wasanii." Ras stated. 

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