Mr Seed and Nimo Gachuiri
Image: Instagram

Renowned singer Moses Tarus Omondi, popularly known as Mr. Seed, has humbled himself and apologized to his wife, Nimo Gachuiri, after the two disagreed over controversial statements made recently.

In a statement on his Instagram page, Mr Seed apologized for his remarks about marriage and relationships that he made on a local podcast, emphasizing that he did not intend to hurt his wife.

The 'Dawa ya Baridi' singer also took the opportunity to express his deep regrets and promised his beautiful wife that he would change.


"Dear Nimo, I sincerely apologize for any unintended hurt that my recent statements about marriage and relationships may have caused. I now realize that my words did not align with the respect I have for you. Your feelings are essential to me, and I am committed to being more considerate in my conversations moving forward," Mr Seed stated on Wednesday.

Furthermore, Seed elaborated on his dedication to their relationship and acknowledged his profound love for his wife.

"I value our relationship so much, and I regret any inconvenience that my words may have brought to you or anyone else. With love."


The talented artist appeared on a local podcast, discussing relationship issues where he shared his experience in marriage.

He stated that, in his experience, a man is a creature who could be in a relationship with a woman for three years but still consider marrying another woman.

Mr Seed said that men are naturally polygamous, and a woman living with him for a long time is not a criterion for him to feel victorious.

He argued that one day, a man might wake up and find out that his husband is planning to marry another woman, even though he is still present.

"Tell me, we men have brains. I can be with you in a relationship for about 3 years, you understand? Just three years of me observing you knowing well that you are not what I want."

"So, I am there, and one day you wake up and find out that the guy has already arranged a wedding because this girl already thought she was the winner. We have other female friends, right? Among those friends, we look at them to see who is a good wife. Maybe even your close friend," Mr Seed said.

He added, "Men are created to have multiple wives."

These statements seemed to deeply offend his wife Nimo, who, through her Instagram stories, strongly criticized him, stating that such words should not come from the mouth of a man who knows he is in a stable marriage.

"So I saw a small piece of the podcast that Mr Seed did, saying whatever he was saying. I didn't even finish watching it. I was mad. So I turned to him and asked him, what are you really saying. Another thing I said is that people must think I'm stupid! So he was like you should watch the whole podcast, and they chose only that part to make it trend," Nimo wrote.

"All I want to say is that if it's for love, it was a senseless thing to say while you are in a committed relationship," she added.

At a quick assessment, Nimo had already unfollowed her husband on Instagram.