What can you teach me? Larry Madowo savagely claps back at X troll

Larry Madowo

CNN International Correspondent and host of the African Voices Changemakers and Playmakers series, Larry Madowo has asserted he is not one to be messed with.

The 37-year-old journalist has been catching strays since he began broadcasting the Anti-Finance Bill protests in Kenya that erupted into full on demonstrations calling for vote of no confidence with the current regime.

Said protests lasted close to a month with a number of Kenyans losing their lives. 

Eulogizing one of the young men whose lives were cut shot by police brutality during the protests, Larry was attacked by a keyboard warrior who felt the CNN reporter was unprofessional with his coverage.

Savagely clapping back at the internet troll, Larry Madowo listed his qualifications in the media world asking the netizen if they could match up to even half his achievements. 

"Ericsson Kyalo Mutisya was buried yesterday. He was shot outside Kenya's Parliament on June 25th. I saw him dancing in white overalls, unarmed, a few minutes before I saw his body.

"Let God judge your murderer," his parents said to his murderers," Larry wrote on his X account as he shared a video footage from Kyalo's burial.  

Commenting on the post an X user identified as Atodo Junior criticized Larry for his post stating, "Act by the rules of media,"

Larry however, was not having it. Responding to the condescending message he schooled the netizen voicing not only is he a media and communications graduate but he also works in one of the biggest media houses across the globe.

"Atodo Junior I have 2 degrees in media. I graduated at the top of my class at Columbia, the world's #1 journalism school.

I've worked at the world's biggest media outlets in Africa, Europe and North America. What can you teach me about media?" Larry's retort read. 

Other netizens joining in praised Larry for his coverage as they chastised Atodo for trying to find fault where there was none. 

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