Eric Omondi and Obinna come to blows in Kiss studio (video)

The two engaged in a battle of wills before it escalated to a physical brawl

Obinna and Eric Omondi fighting in the studio.
Image: JB Formotive

Eric Omondi's highly-publicized visit to the Kiss FM studios materialised today morning and drama was always guaranteed.

And man! Didn't it go down like crazy! The two comedians engaged in a battle of wills that ended in a tussle between the two of them and their security details.

It all started after Eric boasted that there was no comedian who could be compared to him at the moment in the African continent.


"Is there any comedian who can compare with Eric Omondi currently?"

But Obinna wasn't playing around and said that very many comedians in the scene were handily beating him.

"Wengi sana wanakutandika. Mimi...Let's just start with me."

Eric Omondi and Obinna fighting in studio.
Image: JB Formotive

A sentiment to which Eric cackled at before asking Obinna whether he was really a comedian.

"You're a radio presenter..." Eric smugly said.

The Kiss FM co-presenter then told Eric that he lived in a bubble.

"I don't know, you tell me. I am an entertainer, I do all of them. It's none of your business. 

You know you leave on your high horse calling yourself the president of comedy.  When was the last time you did a proper comedy show in Kenya?  You're always being called in the ushago shows," Obinna hit back.

"I go on tour," he interjected after Kwamboxx had tried intervening to cut the tension by saying that the comedian was currently on tour. 

Obinna and Eric Omondi fighting.
Image: JB Formative

But Obinna wasn't to be easily mollified and reiterated that Eric's tours were to local clubs like Tribeca. "Wapi? On tour to Kiss?" he retorted.

"You see when Ruger goes to Meru, pole sana waMeru... that is like shagz."

"By the way I don't co-sign that message, It's a town," Kwamboxx said.

Then Eric went on to list all the places he had gone on tour to with Obvinna dismissing all as maushago..

"I have been to 17 cities and towns in Uganda. It means that I am an actual president."

Kwamboxx then asked the question that has been on many Kenyans lips.

"How are you able to do all these things and have time to be in people's business?"

Eric answered promptly with no hesitation saying,

"Because these people's business is my business. Wananiaibisha. There are too localised."

This battle of wits between Eric and Obinna went on for a few more minutes before things took a left turn after Obinna questioned Eric's sexuality because the star is constantly crossdressing.

He urged him to come out of the closet, something that made Eric blow a gasket.

That was when Eric took matters into his own hands and launched a brazen attack on the Kiss presenter.

Watch the video below;