Bien on Kiss

On the morning show with Kwambox and Kerry they had an interview with Bien challenging him if he would prefer a dinner date with Jay-Z or be given 500K.

“I have been in one metre radius of Jay-Z, I have gone to say hey but security gave me the looks but Savara did the unimaginable, he just through and said hey to him and said am from Kenya and I was like damn men.” Bien explained.

“How long is the dinner, if it is an evening of like festivities from like six in the evening until night time am taking that.”


Kwambox went on and asked Bien whether he will just leave the $5000 on the table just like that.

In response Bien said, “Jay-Z is like cosign in life, he is more than 500K.”

Kerry then challenged him and asked what if the dinner doesn’t bring any cosign


“To be honest am taking 500K, you know am a new artist now and I need that money for videos, I need that money marketing, I need that money to crossover and do things yeah,” Bien responded.

Kwambox went further and dissed Bien on how MCSK gives them only a cheque of Sh 300.

“Cheque ni Cheque,” Bien responded.