On the drive show with Mwalimu Rachel and Xclusive yesterday, they discussed the peculiar situation of a rehabilitation center sharing a perimeter wall with a nightclub.
"Now this is the thing, and many people just realized it—they didn't know. The establishment shares a wall with an institution, a rehabilitation center," Xclusive said.
"Kenya isn't a real country. If you're there, even the Wi-Fi from the rehab center reaches the club. Now there's an online debate about which one should move, which one came first, and if it's okay for them to be so close to each other," Xclusive explained.
According to Xclusive, the situation is ironic because a rehabilitation center is meant to help people with alcohol issues, yet there's a nightclub next door playing loud music and selling alcohol.
"The reason you're in a rehabilitation center is because of alcohol, and there you are at midnight fighting your demons, and all you hear is 'Gotha tena, Gotha tena, mastingo ni deadly deadly.' The music is loud, and honestly, it makes no sense," Xclusive said.
Rachel added that this setup could serve as the ultimate test to see if someone is truly ready to change for the better.
"But isn’t that the true test of whether you have gone through the worst and are ready to rejoin society? Maybe that’s the real test they need because they won’t live in that rehab center forever. At some point, they will have to go out and face the world," Mwalimu Rachel said.
Xclusive then asked Mwalimu Rachel if she would be okay with a brothel opening next to her church.
"Eeeh, those are customers. I would pray for them right outside the door," Mwalimu Rachel responded.
Wrapping up the conversation, they encouraged listeners to share their views on the matter as well.