Kwambox and Kerry Martin

On today's morning show with Kwambox and Kerry, the two discussed the ongoing Occupy Parliament protests.

"Sunday was church, Friday and Saturday were clubs. If you're wondering what we're talking about, Occupy was still ongoing," Kwambox said.

"I was at a club here in Westlands on Friday, and Mr. Cee stopped the music in the middle of a song. We started listening to the National Anthem, and people started chanting 'reject finance bill'," Kerry explained.

According to Kwambox, this is the period the National Anthem has been played the most since independence.

"People had no chill; even in Eldoret, I saw a clip from a nightclub allegedly owned by Oscar Sudi, where people who voted 'Yes' went just to chant, not to party," Kerry added.

Kwambox commented that the whole scenario was absolutely crazy.