Anita Nderu with her daughter Kaya whom she shares with hubby Barret Raftery

Media personality Anita Nderu Raftery in an Instagram rant has finally revealed the drama she went through as her 15-month-old toddler was temporarily denied entry back into her home country.

Anita and her hubby, Barret Raftery along with their daughter had flown out for a family holiday only to come back to new laws and regulations that left her puzzled.

"I am finally ready to share one of our crazy travel stories," the former TV show host said in part.

Anita went on to reveal that interestingly enough, her toddler does not have Kenyan citizenship despite the huge fact that she was born in Kenya and her mother is Kenyan!

"Kaya is currently in Kenya on a Visa even though she was born here.

In her 16 months of life, she has come in and out of Kenya 3-4 times. Her passport is her father's nationality (because getting a Kenyan one would take a very long time and we had to travel ASAP and it was not possible.)" Anita narrated. 

She went on to add that Kaya's passport (as should any passport obviously) has all her details and has been stamped for entry into Kenya a couple of times without issues. However, this time round things were nightmare-like different. 

"Her Dad's nationality gave her a passport that day, valid for a year, as we wait for the one that was issued in two weeks. That passport clearly indicates where she was born and is from. All the times we have come back home she has been let in without issues until now..."

Barrett with his wife Anita Nderu during their traditional wedding

On what transpired to have her blood boiling, the digital content creator went on to reveal that on their way back from their international trip they were bamboozled while at the airport after learning that they had to pay for their barely 3-year-old daughter to re-enter her home country!

As a country, we are seriously never beating the allegations. 

"Let's address the epic rudeness of the Mr. at the desk that we were unfortunately dealing with. He didn't even care to explain to us why a Kenyan citizen was paying to enter her country.

Among other comments when I asked what ETA is, I was told "Do your research of Kenya's new travel laws!" Anita stated much to her dismay.

It did not end there. She adds the airport clerk they were dealing with went on to spew more words interestingly stating;

"Read the fine print, a birth certificate isn't proof of your citizenship! Why didn't you get her a Kenyan passport"

Finishing up, she notes, they ended up paying for the few but upon inquiring on documents needed for Kaya in order to avoid such a confrontation again, Anita and her family were yet again met with unsolicited rudeness. 

"We went and paid the $34 dollars to get my daughter who is a Kenyan into her country. l asked, is there a document she needs in her passport that indicates she is a dual citizen?

He offered no solution. Just rudeness. I have a solution now. But WOW!" The last of her post read. 

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