Huddah Kibe Goro cover
Huddah Kibe Goro cover
"What do you make of Huddah?" For some reason unbeknownst to me, alot of people think this question is synonymous with "What do you think about trollops?" And I can't for the life of me figure out why.

When I think of Huddah, I think of a lass from Eastleigh who against all odds, made it out of the ghetto and is now leading a jet setting lifestyle. As to the question of what it is she does for a living, I have no idea. Some would have you believe she is a trollop. Others that she is a businesswoman what with her own brand of self-titled lipstick(?)

I personally do not care. But I can tell you someone whose opinion you want to hear... Kamene Goro and Andrew Kibe's. The opinionated pair was recently having lunch with their producer Xtiandela when the conversation turned to yours truly. And it was lit!

In the video, the pair of them stay true to who we know them as -irreverend blunt truth-tellers. I can only say one thing when Huddah sees these videos, she will be livid.